“According to the Kabbalah, the theme of the soul’s journey is discarding the hard shell, the klipah, and breaking free from the ego. This process must happen. The question is, will the soul gather its own strength and choose to transcend the ego, or will the external stimuli of pain be necessary? The ego says, “It’s my life and I’m doing it my way.” Pain challenges that. It reminds us that there is a power beyond ourselves that we cannot ignore.” p. 122
Ego = dualism, separation
Stephen explains that the term ego is loaded, too many resonances, battling everyone terms when we use it – stoics, Christians, psychologists, it means so many things and is not necessarily the perfect fit when discussing the self. When Rabbi David Aaron is talking about it, though, to me, it means separation. I know this separation and the pain that he talks about that brought me to my knees, and which ultimately led to me transcending my “ego” and finally merging with His will.
“Ego is the illusion of having an independent self-separate from God.” pg. 124
“Pain is an alternative path, compassionately offered by God to help us transcend the ego and reach our highest goals.” or our highest selves pg 122
When we are met with pain/tribulation we have a choice as to how we respond.
Endless Light by Rabbi David Aaron